Locating Emergency Safety Showers and Eyewashes in Your Workplace

When to Install a Safety Shower
A safety shower should be installed in any workplace where there is a potential risk of exposure to corrosive or hazardous materials. This includes laboratories, chemical storage areas, manufacturing facilities, and other work environments where workers may come into contact with chemicals, acids, or caustic substances.
Location of Safety Showers
Safety showers are typically located in areas where workers are most likely to encounter hazardous materials or substances. They should be easily accessible and located within a short distance (usually within 10 seconds) of any area where chemical exposure is possible. Common locations for safety showers include:
- Near chemical storage areas
- In laboratories or research facilities
- In manufacturing or processing areas where chemicals are used
- Near battery charging stations
- In outdoor work areas where corrosive materials may be present
Safety Shower Rules in Australia
In Australia, safety showers must comply with strict regulations outlined in AS4775 – Emergency Eyewash and Shower Equipment. This standard specifies requirements for the design, installation, operation, and maintenance of emergency eyewash and shower equipment to ensure their effectiveness in emergency situations.
Standard/Requirements of Safety Showers
The standard requirements for safety showers include:
- **Accessibility**: Safety showers must be easily accessible and located within a designated response time from areas where hazardous materials are handled. Be mindful not to have the Shower too close to the potential incident area. The safety shower should be located on the same level as the incident area and not be blocked or have access hindered by gates or barriers.
- **Identification**: Safety showers should be clearly marked with highly visible signage and lighting to ensure they can be easily located during an emergency.
- **Functionality**: Safety showers must deliver a continuous flow of tepid water at a specific temperature and pressure to effectively rinse and decontaminate the body.
- **Maintenance**: Regular inspections and maintenance are required to ensure that safety showers remain in proper working condition and are ready for immediate use in an emergency.
For additional information on safety shower requirements and regulations, check out the Big Safety Blog on Understanding Safety Showers.
To learn more about using green lights at safety showers and emergency eyewash stations, read our blog post.
Ensuring the proper placement and adherence to regulations regarding safety showers and eyewashes is essential for protecting the health and safety of workers in any workplace environment. Stay informed and compliant with Big Safety – your trusted partner in workplace safety.