This is a common question we are asked regarding safety lighting for Emergency Safety Showers and Eye/Face Wash units. Please see below the Australian Standards AS4775 requirement for lighting.
The three relevant sections require the equipment be identified by signage and the area is well illuminated. The use of a green light is not stipulated in this Australian Standard, although it is used to identify the equipment location. This is more based around risk assessment, the colour green is associated with a medical facility.
The green light readily identifies to users where the Safety Shower or Eye/Face Wash is located for ease of finding in an emergency. A green light doesn’t illuminate the area. The area still needs to be well illuminated.
Click the link to view our Emergency Safety Showers range held in our Australian warehouses

AS4775-2007 Emergency Eye Wash and Shower equipment
6.6 Location (Safety Shower)
Emergency Safety Showers shall be positioned in accessible locations that require no more than 10 seconds to reach. The shower shall be located on the same level as the hazard and the path of travel shall be free of obstructions that may inhibit the immediate use of the equipment. Where the possibility of temperature extremes exists, equipment shall be protected from their effects both with respect to the equipment’s operation and the flushing fluid.
Each emergency safety shower location shall be identified with a highly visible sign complying with AS1319 positioned so the sign is visible throughout the area served by the shower. The area around the emergency shower shall be well illuminated.
7.4 Location (Eye Wash)
Emergency Eye Washes shall be positioned in accessible locations that require no more than 10 seconds to reach. The eye wash unit shall be located on the same level as the hazard and the path of travel shall be free of obstructions that may inhibit the immediate use of the equipment. For a strong acid or strong caustic, the eyewash should be located immediately adjacent to the hazard.
Each eyewash location shall be identified with a highly visible sign complying with AS1319 positioned so the sign is visible throughout the area served by the shower. The area around the eyewash shall be well illuminated.
8.4 Location (Eye/Face Wash)
Emergency Eye/Face Washes shall be positioned in accessible locations that require no more than 10 seconds to reach. The eye/face wash unit shall be located on the same level as the hazard and the path of travel shall be free of obstructions that may inhibit the immediate use of the equipment. For a strong acid or strong caustic, the eye/face wash should be located immediately adjacent to the hazard.
Each safety eye/face wash location shall be identified with a highly visible sign complying with AS1319 positioned so the sign is visible throughout the area served by the shower. The area around the eyewash shall be well illuminated.
Click the link to view our Emergency Safety Showers range held in our Australian warehouses
Til next time, Keep Safe.