106 Litre Portable Eye Wash and Body Spray

SKU: DGSE590A-106-675




No matter how careful you are, accidents happen. Unfortunately, when working with dangerous substances, a single drop making contact with the skin is enough to cause irreparable damage if not handled quickly. Having an emergency washing station like the SE590A-106-675 is a must for those working with hazardous substances.

Click here to view the installation and maintenance instructions for this unit.


The SE590A-106-675 offers an array of features to help workers in the first few seconds after accidental exposure to harmful substances:

Click here to view the Features and Benefits of the new model of the SE590A-106-675

Sustained Operation

In accordance with AS4775 section 7.1, the eye wash component will operate for 15 minutes at 2.3 litres per minute. Providing adequate flushing without harming the delicate tissue in and around the eye.

Air Pressurised Flow

Equipped with stainless steel tanks, a pressure gauge, and an air filler, the SE590A-106-675 provides air pressurised flow for immediate flushing in situations where every second counts.

Compliant With Australian Standards

This unit is fully compliant with AS4775 regarding emergency eye wash units and shower equipment.

However, appropriate risk assessment will determine the selection process based on the following sections of AS4775:

  • Section 7.1:Performance of plumbed and self-contained eye wash units

A means shall be provided to ensure that a controlled flow of flushing fluid is provided to both eyes simultaneously at a velocity low enough to be non-injurious to the user.

When activated plumbed and self-contained eye wash equipment shall deliver flushing fluid to the eyes at a flow rate not less than 1.5 L/min for a minimum of 15 minutes.

  • Section 11.1: General

The supplemental equipment listed below shall provide immediate flushing to support plumbed and self-contained equipment but shall not replace them.

  • Section 11.2.1: Performance of personal units

Personal wash units shall have the capacity to deliver immediate flushing without being injurious to the user. See Paragraph F6. Personal wash units do not meet the criteria of plumbed or self-contained eyewash. See Paragraph F1 Instructions and flushing fluid expiration date shall be permanently affixed to the unit.

  • Appendix F1: Personal Eyewash Units

The first seconds following an eye injury are often critical to keeping eye injury to a minimum. A personal eye wash may be kept in the immediate vicinity of employees working in a potentially hazardous area. The main purpose of these units is to supply immediate flushing. With this accomplished, the injured individual should then proceed to a plumbed or self-contained eye wash and flush the eyes for the required 15 minutes.

Click here to view the Installation, Operations and Maintenance Instructions for the SE590A-106-675 Portable Eye and Body Wash

Click here to view the Assembly Instructions for the SE590A-106-675 Portable Eye and Body Wash


*This item may require additional freight charges (to be confirmed after your order has been received)

Blue Hand Trolley NOT included in this sales price. Hand trolley sold separately.

106 Litre Portable Eye Wash and Body Spray

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