Flammable Goods Safety Storage Cabinets serve several critical functions:-
  • Safely contain hazardous chemicals to reduce the risk of fire, protecting both personnel and facilities
  • Identify, organise and segregate dangerous liquids
  • Offer compliance with federal Safety regulations and local fire codes
  • Improve efficiency by allowing solvents to be stored near the points of use
  • Improve security with keyed locking mechanism
One of the leading causes of industrial fires is the improper storage and handling of flammable liquids. It is important to identify and inventory all chemicals in your workplace. Review the SDS (Safety Data Sheet) for each chemical to determine characteristics and recommended storage practices. To avoid generating toxic gases and to prevent fires and explosions. It is important to segregate incompatible chemicals. Some local regulations require positive pressure ventilation. Justrite Flammable Cabinets offer baffle protected vents to connect to these systems. AU25302Click here to view our range of Justrite Dangerous Goods Storage Cabinets.
Dangerous goods storage cabinetsFlammable goods cabinet